Located right on the "Place du Forum", next to the "Café la Nuit" (Van Gogh's favourite place???) and facing the busy terrasses of the café/restaurant of the square is the Hotel Nord Pinus. This family run property always appealed to me for its atmosphere and I allways felt like walking in a museum when visiting.
First, its facade with encrusted Roman Column, then the lobby & the restaurant art-deco(ish) and its massive staircase. Love some of the corridor as well... Its 24 rooms (from 175€) are all different. See Bellow, room 10 and its massive mirror and room 34 with its amazing view over the roofs of Arles.
Idéalement situé sur la Place du Forum en plein coeur d'Arles, L'Hotel Nord Pinus vous invite à un voyage dans le temps. La facade avec ses 2 colonnes romaines incrustées, son lobby et son restaurant "art-deco", son escalier monumental et ses chambres meublées d'antiquités ou d'art contemporain.
24 chambres à partir de 175€. Ci dessous le mirroir de la Chambre 10 et la Chambre 34 avec sa vue imprenable sur les toits de la ville.
Place du Forum
13 200 Arles
04 90 93 44 44
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